Yesterday was a accomplishment of two things, looking for D1 Grand Prix for the PS2 and completing Sonic CD thanks to it being on the Sonic Gems collection for the PS2. Of those dreams, loosely translated as the first time I saw Sonic CD to begin with at my friend's house being run on the Wondermega, a machine not many would be familiar with at all, but one I have always lusted after, the one machine that impressed me so much back then. It still impresses me today, being such a beautiful machine complete with disc read lighting and karaoke ports with the ability to play Megadrive and MegaCD games, and the crisp clear digital sounds it emmitted made it seem like magic. Even as years have gone by and my game machine collection has flourished from what was nothing back then to a considerable amount of retro machinery, as well as the new(ish) consoles, the dream of owning a Wondermega still remains. Because, all I have of those days now are memories, and while I have been a hard fighter for these memories, this piece of my history has yet to be found. Maybe someday I'll find a way to own the machine, but till then I'll have to be content with completing Sonic CD over and over again.