It's 9:49am on the eve of independance day (id4 springs to mind) and while you local folks are content about it being called 'merdeka' ; I won't, as it sounds un-western and hence rather depressing; it already being that I'm NOT in a western country, with foreign girls and their straight dirty blonde hair and open attitudes, and not forgetting the ridiculously low car prices. I so want an Evolution VIII; well, not really...what I really do want is a Ferrari (a certain 575M Maranello in gray)...but anyways the point is...It's eve to a national celebration and I'm home alone. Now I've just read more than a quarter of the Bridget jones's diary and have come to the conclusion that I am Bridget Jones. Besides sharing the same birthday(co-incidence but I think I's fate telling me something), I seem to be leading the same lifestyle and am still single. But then again, I'm probably more Jeremy Clarkson than Tiff Needell (who is really cool, by the way). So it's like a mix between Jeremy Clarkson, a good dosage of Bridget Jones and being the asian version of it; very depressing. Either ways, gotta go get dinner of some sort and hopefully get laid in the process (don't ask me how) and er...yeah.
Saturday, August 30, 2003
Monday, August 25, 2003
It's a little past 2 in the morning, and I've got to wake up in about 6 and a half hours for an early ass class. Well it was Sunday, but not like any ordinary one. I woke up at about 1pm in the afternoon, and watched The Italian job (1969) while feasting on some Taiwanese instant seafood noodles. Both were pretty good and I was happy (and it seemed all the usual Sunday affair) and all until the rain came and the power got cut. And so I called Ian and he came over for a bit when we set off to Sri Hartamas to meet Azlan at Projet so we could go watch the Nokia Starlight Cinema. Little did I know or expect to end up in the midst of somewhere north of 20 minis. Now, it was pretty picturesque and it didn't help that the sky had turned into this nice evening thingy and either ways, we got going to Kiara at about 7:30pm. Watching the entire fleet drive on the highway was pretty much what I expected: lovely....but fancy a modified red hatch trailing the mini fleet. Either ways, got in , parked and watched the movie: The Italian job (2003) and had lovely fried rice (I know I'm not supposed to but what the hell) and a good beef burger. Also bought a fancy pants portable chair. Charlize theron is so lovely. As is the new cooper s works. Well then. The thing finished at about 10:30, got home, watched the enter the matrix cut scenes and Ian went home. Then the dog howled like mad and I watched "my Neighbour Totoro" and here I am. 2:31am. Not your average Sunday. But then; when is it ever?