This week has been a weird diet crazed one. First there was the frankfurter diet plan; which has sorta helped; not in making it any easier, but instead in making me more confused. Then just about mid-week, on that fateful midnight I got hungry (as I always do) and sorta got to making carrot sticks in the kitchen (this of course fuelled by watching supermodel videos and Mischa in the O.C.; with the thought pattern being like "Hey, I bet them supermodels eat carrot sticks every day!", and something about it being rather hilarious.). And it was then that I decided on eating carrot sticks for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Which of course didn't happen. I ended up eating frankfurters instead. This time these franks were from Denmark. And they came in a dozen. And tasted good yet weird. No matter, brunch was settled. Then came the network problem; which got me pretty much stressed out the entire evening trying to settle a connectivity problem between the Netframe trio of Core, Xbox(Arena) and Mobile. Which led to the unforseen consequences of an empty stomach which led to a major headache and sleepiness. So it was off to dinner with Ian which ended up in Chili's and the tastefully good Chicken Fried Chicken (I still refuse to use the new 'Country Fried Chicken' alias). That solved the problem, but I noticed that I was incredibly hyperactive and happy from that point. Until I got home and was faced with the network problem..again. An hour and a network bridge later, it was pretty much done and well though I am happy that I got through this networking crusade, I think I can genuinely say I pretty much hate setting up networks on computers, no matter how rewarding it might be. But like Ian says, who does tech support call for tech support? On to the news...
In true Bourne fashion, I would like to say I'm ditching all kinds of diet plans in the crapper and swapping them for real deal exercise. As soon as I get a bike of course. Which might still happen. I said might.
when you're wanting to wake up in 7 hours time. Sadly, it's 5:53am, a touch over my bedtime (which, by the way, has horribly gone in the wrong direction) so I should be asleep.
Imbruglia's new single/video is out, can't remember what it's called but the album was released on my bday so I should actually buy it for that connection alone. Oh if I wasn't so unfamous I'd really go out with her.
On the bright side, today (or yesterday) has not been spent pondering over my car situation but instead of living happily through carrot sticks and network-induced headaches (or NIH).
and he will feed for a day. Give a man a Ferrari however, and he'd have lovely chicks to lay.
And on that poetic/rhyme, till next time!
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