Fast forward to Friday evening. It's been a rather eventful week, the subtle end to the college semester and the beginning of a beautiful holiday. Monday was presentation day, Tuesday was kiss ass and complete work day, Wednesday being the same as Tuesday, Thursday the check marks day, then today, the true meaning of holiday. Like I said, it's Friday evening, and I just woke up. It's hard to imagine that only a few weeks ago that my college life was in utter turmoil and the balance of work seemed to have a life of it's own. As the bloody thing (work,that is) kept piling on until the grand finale, I can now finally say that it's done and over with. You just can't see or feel the relief. You'd have to understand the feat of completing a 4 month semester's worth of work in 2 1/2 weeks. And then, just like in college we say: "you'd have to believe"...
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